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Author Comment
Registered User
(4/9/03 6:28 pm)
Marvels & Tales
Since some visitors here don't have access to Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies through their university libraries or on-line through Project Muse, I thought I'd let you know that Wayne State University Press is offering special introductory subscription rates for students, seniors (65+ years), and other individuals who order on-line via the WSU Press website through July 1, 2003.

Students and seniors = $15 for a new one-year subscription (regularly $26)

New or lapsed subscribers = $35 for a two-year subscription (regularly $52)

Edited by: Don at: 4/9/03 6:35:22 pm
Unregistered User
(4/13/03 4:11 am)
Thanks Don for the infor and the push!...I've been meaning to get my own subscription.

Heidi Anne Heiner
(4/13/03 1:58 pm)
Re: Thanks
And wouldn't you know I already subscribed to it about six weeks ago, before the price break?


Registered User
(4/14/03 5:07 am)
Thanks, Midori and Heidi. for your support of the journal. I think you'll like this year's issues. The April issue, which will appear soon, includes papers from the outstanding conference held at Princeton University in 2001. The October issue, which we've just wrapped up on the editorial front, includes articles on Angela Carter's "Snow Child" and the nineteenth-century German writer Benedikte Naubert, as well as a sample of Jack Zipes's new research on the important nineteenth-century collection of Sicilian fairy tales edited by Laura Gonzenbach, Robert Fedorchek's translations of Spanish tales by Juan Valera and Cecilia Böhl de Faber, and a translation of an Afghan tale from oral tradition. (Among the reviews there's a review of the SurLaLune website.) For the future, special issues on the Arabian Nights and on the French fairy tale are in the works.

Registered User
(4/14/03 8:23 am)
Arabian Nights and French fairy tales--two of my favorite subjects. I just signed up for a two year subscription. Thanks for the heads-up on the special rates.

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