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Registered User
(4/5/03 2:01 pm)
Looking for a certain story
Hi...I've never been here, nice board. Anyways

I'm looking for an old fairy tale book I loved in elementary school. It was called "The Golden Book" Or so I believe. It is NOT "The Golden Book of Fairy Tales."

In particular, I'm looking for one story from the book. The title was "Princess Zlatovska (or something like that) the Golden Haired" It was about a prince who eats a snake that gives him the ability to talk to animals. So he goes on quest to find a princess and along the way runs into animals in need and he helps them. When he gets to the castle of the princess he is given tasks to do to win the princess. As he does them, the animals he helped before come to his aid and he gets the princess for his bride.

Any [u]ANY[/u] information on this book, story, other stories in book, publisher/author information would be a dream come true.

thank you

Edited by: AmerAy  at: 4/5/03 2:01:51 pm
Unregistered User
(4/13/03 9:26 am)
Looking for a certain story
It might be The Enchanted Book, stories selected by Alice Dalgliesh, illustrated by Concetta Cacciola,
published by Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1947. The second story is Zlatovlaska the Golden-Haired.

Other stories in the book are The Wild Swans, The Fire-Bird, Cat-skin, Snow White and Rose Red, East O'
the Sun and West O' the Moon, The History of Dwarf Long Nose, The Tinder Box, The House in the Wood,
The Twelve Dancing Princesses, Beauty and the Beast, The Twelve Months, The White Cat, The Golden
Parrot, The Black Horse, The Frog Prince, Simple Seng and the Parrot, The Swineherd, Rairu and the Star
Maiden, Briar Rose, and The Sleeping Tsarevna and the Seven Giants.

Hope this helps,


Heidi Anne Heiner
(4/13/03 1:57 pm)
Re: Looking for a certain story has a copy listed for $15.00 if this is the book. Also, I know a copy of the book is still circulating at my library, so you may want to check your local library or try interlibrary loaning it to see if it is the book you are seeking.

The book, if I remember correctly, uses the Wild Swans illustration of swans in flight as its continuing theme.


Registered User
(4/14/03 5:38 pm)
THAT's IT!!!!

You cannot beleive how happy i am to know this! I jsut suppose that I got the title all mixed up.

Know what is funny? my mom managed to find a favorite series she loved as child this morning. And the day I check this forum again I FIND MINE!!!! I will sleep at ease tonight.

Thank You ALL SOOO MUCH!!!!!!!

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