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Registered User
(4/5/03 11:18 am)
johann gottfried herder
i am completing my dissertation on folklore and fairytales. i have read about johann gottfried herder making a distinction between volksmarchen and kuntstmarchen and am ondering if anyone can help me identfy this link he made between the two?

Unregistered User
(4/6/03 2:55 pm)
Not sure about Herder, but difference between the two is...
Hello brookie5,
I am not sure about Herder, but both words are used in German even today, they simply mean traditional folk tales (as in folklore) for the Volksmaerchen (more or less literally translated: People's fairy tale) and those orginially created by an artist, such as the tales by Hans Christian Andersen or Oscar Wilde for the Kunstmaerchen (more or less literally translated: Artistic fairy tale). Does this help you?
Best regards, Lotti

Registered User
(4/7/03 5:33 am)
Re: johann gottfried herder
I don't recall offhand that Herder explicitly refers to a distinction between Volksmärchen and Kunstmärchen (using that term), but he does distinguish generally between oral cultures and print cultures. For example, in "Correspondence on Ossian and the Songs of Ancient Peoples" he writes, "The more remote a people is fron an artificial, scientific manner of thinking, speaking, and writing, the less its songs are made for paper and print, the less its verses are written for the dead letter." Samples of Herder's work in English--including this essay--can be found in Eighteenth Century German Criticism, ed. T. J. Chamberlain (Continuum) and German Aesthetic and Literary Criticism, ed. H. B. Nisbet (Cambridge University Press).

Writers at this time, and especially the Grimms a bit later, began to use the broader terms Naturpoesie (natural poetry or literature) and Kunstpoesie (artistic poetry or literature) to make this distinction.

Edited by: Don at: 4/7/03 5:39:46 am

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