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Author Comment
Marijana Hamersak
Unregistered User
(4/10/03 2:39 am)
Fairy tale debates
Dear list members,

My name is Marijana Hamersak and as part of my MA thesis I am researching fairy tale debates in Croatian children's literature criticism. Could you please recommend me articles and/or books (in English, Italian or German language) discussing and reviewing fairy tale debates in 19th and 20th century? For now I am familiar only with Bernd Dolle-Weirnkauff's article "Nineteenth-century Fairy Tale Debates and the Development of Children's Literature Criticism in Germany" published in CLAQ (1999-2000). I would appreciate any suggestion. Thank you indeed...

With best regards,

Marijana Hamersak
Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research
Kralja Zvonimira 17
10 000 Zagreb
tel. +385 1 4553 632
fax. +385 1 4553 649

Registered User
(4/10/03 4:39 am)
Re: Fairy tale debates
There are many studies that continue the ongoing debate(s) about fairy tales, from a variety of perspectives (pedagogical value, therapuetic value, moral value, etc.). Some German studies that seem possibly relevant to your work (at least indirectly) might be the following:

Bastian, Ulrike. Die "Kinder- und Hausmärchen" der Brüder Grimm in der literaturpädagogischen Diskussion des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt a.M.: Haag + Herchen, 1981.

Brandt, Sabine. "Rotkäppchen und der Klassenkampf." Der Monat 12 (1960): 65-74. (Account of the fairy tale debate in East Germany during the early 1950s.)

Kolta, Ferenc. "Märchen oder nicht? Ergebnisse einer Diskussion." Beiträge zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur 4-5 (1963): 77-82. (Reconsiders the debate over fairy tales as it has taken shape in socialist countries, with special reference to the view of the Hungarian writer Peter Teknös.)

Edited by: Don at: 4/10/03 4:42:06 am
Marijana Hamersak
Unregistered User
(4/10/03 8:00 am)
Thank you very much on your quick and really helpful post Don. I would be grateful if you could send me more references. Of course only if you already have them sorted and written in your computer database.

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