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Registered User
(10/25/02 11:06:50 am)
Seven Wild Sisters
Hi everyone
I'm normally a lurker, but I thought someone might be able to point me in the right direction here.
I've had Seven Wild Sisters by Charles de Lint on order from since August. They allow me to place an order, delay shipping a few times and then finally cancel the order on me. I order again because according to the website it is available (with a 5-7 day ship wait) and it happens all over again. Does anyone know if I can order this somewhere else?
I'm a fan of both Charles de Lint and Charles Vess and I'd really like to own this book.

Richard Parks
Registered User
(10/25/02 11:16:27 am)
Re: Seven Wild Sisters
You might try doing the search through Abebooks ( They're a clearing house that matches people looking for books to booksellers who have them. I did a quick search on "Seven Wild Sisters" and got ten possibles, including one signed copy.

Registered User
(10/25/02 12:09:18 pm)
Re: Seven Wild Sisters
I've had this happen, too. Grrrrr.

There is, alas, a common publishing practice among publishers of declaring titles "Out of Stock Indefinitely" instead of admitting--to themselves, the author, the readers--that the book is out of print. I think until it moves from the OSI category to OP, Amazon still lists it on the website. I also think, with specialized titles, they aren't targeting the database groomers to update books that are selling below a certain threshold.

Charles Vess
Unregistered User
(10/26/02 9:33:42 am)
Those red haired girls...
        Our book was soid out from the publisher before it went to press. There were only 3,500 copies printed all signed by both Charleses(?) and numbered.

        I've seen it on Ebay (just type in "vess" or I suppose "de lint") into their search engine and that will take you to a long list of various items which could include a copy or two of SEVEN WILD SISTERS.

        Since it's already technicaly OP I've seen it priced upwards to $75 from second hand booksellers.

        However I believe that Dreamhaven bookstore still has copies at the "real" price of $35.00 or failing that I have some extra copies ( that I can sell.

        The other Charles and I will be collaborating on at least three more books for this same publisher, all featuring various members of the seven red haired sisters. We're already working on the next book, THE MEDICINE ROAD set in the southwestern desert around Tuscon and Sedona.

        Good luck and good hunting.


Registered User
(10/27/02 10:13:58 am)
Re: Those red haired girls...
Thank you Richard and Charles for those links, I will see what I come up with.
I will make sure to get my bid in earlier on the next book (and not with Amazon).

Registered User
(10/27/02 5:31:13 pm)
Charles, the two of you together make "Charli"...
So does this mean there's no point in gathering pennies and trying to buy a copy at WFC?

Charles Vess
Unregistered User
(10/28/02 6:46:39 am)
Bring your pennies...

        By all means bring your pennies. With myself, DreamHaven AND Subterranean Press being at thje Con there should be some copies floating about for sale. But with both "Charli" in attendence I'd snap one up right quick if I were you.


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