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Author Comment
Heidi Anne Heiner
(10/19/02 10:24:03 pm)
Quotations about Fairy Tales
Okay, so we have visited this topic before, but I am adding a page with quotations about fairy tales to the revamped introductory area of SurLaLune. We have lots of new members on the board since we last discussed this. Does anyone have attributable quotes they love or know?

Here you can preview what I have already added:


Please share more if you have them!


Edited by: Heidi Anne Heiner at: 10/19/02 10:55:14 pm
Registered User
(10/20/02 11:06:24 pm)
Re: Quotations about Fairy Tales
Heidi, what a great page! And I'm honored to be included.

Heidi's note: Heidi says thank you!

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