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Unregistered User
(10/23/02 10:20:45 pm)
Marxist Theory of Fairy Tales
My next paper will be to relate Marxist theory to a fairy tale. Any suggestions where I might locate some info? I haven't found anything that correlates on any websites. Again, thanks so much for any assistance that could be provided!

Unregistered User
(10/24/02 3:30:08 am)
Try. . .
Jack Zipes is as close to a Marxist as you'll find. A lot of his early work on fairy tales has more than a little Marxist tinge.


Registered User
(10/24/02 5:49:39 am)
Re: Try. . .
I'd recommend a trip to an actual library for the following books, which should get you started:


James M. McGlathery, GRIMMS' FAIRY TALES: A HISTORY OF CRITICISM ON A POPULAR CLASSIC (which will have have leads to relevant criticism).

Jack Zipes, "Marxists and the Illumination of Folk and Fairy Tales," in Ruth B. Bottigheimer, ed., FAIRY TALES AND SOCIETY, pp. 237-43.

Edited by: Don at: 10/24/02 5:50:36 am
Unregistered User
(10/24/02 7:07:09 am)
I remember reading in Nat'l Geographic in the 70's how E Germany bowdlerized Hansel and Gretel, replacing the witch with an evil landlord. Maybe you can find references to such books. Good luck.

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