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Registered User
(10/24/02 5:11:17 am)
Gilliam does Grimm
Movie news site C.H.U.D. reports:

News on what looks to be Terry Gilliam's next film, in one capacity or another, is making waves today.

Returning to the fantasy world he excelled in from films such as Time Bandits and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Gilliam is joining MGM in the development of Grimm, a story following the Brothers Grimm who, in this version, will be called Jake and Will.

The story, described as mixing the adventure of the Indiana Jones films with the humor of Shrek, will follow the brothers while traveling from village to village pretending to protect townsfolk from enchanted creatures presumably with the folklore they have collected. Eventually, the duo run into a powerful sorceress who seeks to put their words to the test.

Check out the story here:


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