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Registered User
(10/23/02 9:51:26 pm)
Does this fairy tale sound familiar?
I remember having a great storybook collection of fairy tales back in the 80's, and I can't remember what the title of it was. I think it had a jacket with some nice illustrations on it (I think it had a lot of light purple on it for some reason), and the cover underneath was black with gold print. It was a pretty large book. It had a good story about an ugly princess who has a prettier sister, but the ugly one marries a talking snake or something, and wasn't happy about it at first, but then she is happy with him, but then she somehow becomes separated from him. I think it was for something she did, but I'm not sure. She is sad and banished, and somewhere along the line a lady offers her a chance to bathe in a spring that will make her beautiful, but she then also drinks from it to make her more wise (which it does). She is told by someone that she has to walk in really narrow iron shoes. So she does for a long time and they hurt her feet really bad. The story may have also included chicken bones somewhere, but I'm not positive. Somehow she finds her snake prince, and he ends up being a real man. That story was one of my favorites.

It also had a story about a girl and a boy named "Piggo" or "Piggish" something, and they are in an isolated castle which is overgrown with ivy or thornbushes in the woods. The boy gets lost in the woods because he was tempted by candy or something, and the girl tries to find him, and then she has other adventures/mishaps. I can't remember much more of it, but it had other stories in it too. I'm sorry if this doesn't make much sense, but it's the best I can describe it. This book probably isn't in print anymore, but I was hoping someone could help with either the title of it, or the names of the stories. It was one of my favorites. Thanks! :-)

Unregistered User
(10/23/02 9:56:45 pm)
The Green Serpent?
Off the top of my head, I think the first fairy tale is the Green Serpent. If not that one, it is certainly in Zipes's collection of French Fairy Tales. I will check tomorrow for you. I am not familiar with your particular collection, however.


Unregistered User
(10/24/02 5:44:45 am)
Everyman's Library Children's Classics
The layout of the book you describe sounds like an Everyman's Library Children's Classics. They do a number of fairytale books. You should check amazon or their catalog to see if your title is among them.

- Sarah

Registered User
(10/24/02 9:41:44 am)
Re: Does this fairy tale sound familiar?
Thanks for your help! Yes, the first one that I was thinking of is The Green Serpent. I just can't figure out what the second one is. But I will check on Amazon to see if both those books look familiar. I'd like to read them again. They were good stories! Definitely not Disney stuff, that's for sure. It's funny how I can only remember bits and pieces of these old, strange fairy tales. Like I remembered one that had disembodied hands waiting on someone in a palace, and I think that story is The White Cat. But I couldn't remember the cat part of it! lol


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