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Unregistered User
(9/30/02 2:56:40 pm)
Cat Ballet Fairytale
I was wondering if anyone knew the name of the fairytale that I am about to describe.

I had a lovely book in my childhood called "Brave and Bold" which featured Beowulf, Finn McCool and others. My favourite (well they all were really) tale was one where a king's son, and his two other brothers) have to search high and low to find gifts for their father. If I am remembering this correctly, and not blending several of the tales into one, the "hero" son finds a strange palace which is inhabited by cats. The cats dance, sing and behave like a court and the Prince soon falls in love with the female cat in charge, who naturally turns out to be an enchanted princess in need of a hero who will love her for who she is on the inside, rather than the outside. She helps him with his quest along the way.

Does this twitch any whiskers on anyone here please?

(Sadly the book was discarded by my mother who attaches no sentiment to such things).

Registered User
(9/30/02 3:02:27 pm)
Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy

I believe that the tale in question is "The White Cat" by Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy. It's one of my favorites too! You can find a plain version in Jack Zipes' _Beauty and the Beast and other Classic French Fairy Tales. There's also an illustrated version avaliable in the _Golden Book of Fairy Tales,_ illustrated by Adrienne Segur. Happy hunting!

Golden Book of Fairy Tales illustrated by Adrienne Segur
(image and link inserted by Heidi)

Unregistered User
(9/30/02 3:05:53 pm)
Seems to be the White Cat...
Check this page to see if it is the tale you're looking for:
Regards, Lotti

oops, I just saw Helen beat me to it! ;-) But check the link anyway, hm? Greetings, Lotti

Unregistered User
(10/1/02 8:22:21 am)
That's the one :)
Thank you ever so much both of you!

I cannot wait to read it to my daughter in a few years time.

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