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Registered User
(10/30/02 9:27:15 am)
Call for Words: 2) Careers
Here's the second call. While there is no deadline currently, I would love to hear others thoughts as I have recently become unemployed and have been trying to work out my next career move.

2) Careers

This is a bit more complex. For next year's conferences, I'd like to have on hand a booklet, pamplet, or something that lists different careers that relate to fairy tales, folklore, mythology, etc. Here's a link to an old post:


If anyone would like to write essays, articles, poems, create art pieces that can express how an individual with these interests can find a career that they would enjoy, that would be superb! Any other thoughts or musings?

Here's another that may be helpful:


Let me know if you have any questions!

Forest frosts,


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