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Unregistered User
(1/27/02 10:52:56 pm)
fairy tale name??
I was wondering if anyone could help me come up with the name of a fairy tale. I've been wracking my brains, and can't quite remember it. The fairy tale is about a brother and sister who ran away from their stepmother, who happened to be a witch. They crossed three streams, and each one had a spell placed on it so that whoever drank the water would turn into an animal. The older sister prevented her brother from drinking the first 2 times, but he was too thirsty by the time they reached the 3rd stream, so he turned into a deer. The two lived in the woods for a number of years until a prince/king saw the sister and was struck by her beauty. He married her, and they had a son. However, a woman (his mom? old flame? her stepmom? I can't remember) killed the sister in her bath when the prince was out of the castle. Eventually, (this part becomes
very sketchy in my memory) the sister comes back to life and they live happily ever after.

Does that sound remotely familiar to anyone?

Unregistered User
(1/27/02 10:54:56 pm)
oops! nevermind! ^_^

just went back to the website and saw it. "Brother and Sister" Sorry about that!

NOTE: The link to the tale is The Annotated Brother and Sister.

Registered User
(1/28/02 6:47:27 am)
Re: oops! nevermind! ^_^
Jalana: Here's a good article by Ellen Steiber on the "Brother and Sister" fairy

Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(1/28/02 7:25:40 am)
I did an essay called "The Brothers Grimm and Sister Jane" in an anthology of Grimms essays, and I talk in part about that story.


Unregistered User
(3/20/02 12:29:18 pm)
tale name
The story can be found in Wonder Tales by Jane Yolen and its called something like Sister Oovenooshka and Brother Ivanooshka.

Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(3/20/02 1:16:54 pm)
I never wrote a book called Wonder Tales. Tales of Wonder, yes, but that story was the basis for a fairy tale I wrote called "Brother Hart" which is part of the DREAM WEAVER collection. Who Ivanooshka etc. are I do not know.


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