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Registered User
(4/14/02 3:47:45 pm)
full moon names from around the world
sorry folks. its me again but just disciverd this place and its got me all excited at the thought of talking to people in to fairytales etc.

Planning doing project on moon lore so any names for full moons from diffrent cultures and tales relating to the moon whould be most appreciated

isthmus nekoi
Registered User
(4/15/02 9:42:06 am)
Re: full moon names from around the world
The first thing that comes to mind are werewolves. Angela Carter works this theme very nicely into her rewritings of Little Red Riding Hood.

I also know there is a Chinese tale about a lady of the court (the Empress?) who runs away and lives on the moon b/c the Emperor doesn't treat her properly. I've forgotten her name, but she's often depicted w/a rabbit on her sleeve!

Getting into mythology, you'll probably find heaps of related information as many Goddesses like Isis or Hecate have strong connections w/moon symbolism.

Hope this helps!

Registered User
(4/15/02 11:40:39 am)
Re: full moon names from around the world
"Tsuki no Usagi" - the Japanese "Rabbit in the Moon"

Not an actual name for the moon ("tsuki" is "moon" in Japanese), but. . .

I read a children's book a long time ago that had moon folklore from around the world in it. What a great book, and now I can't even remember the name of it.

~M. Pepper

Registered User
(4/26/02 12:48:22 pm)
Re: full moon names from around the world
I do not know a special name for the moon, but here in Germany there is a tale about the man who lives on the moon (you can see him as a structure on the surface in clear nights) He was sent to the moon because he collected wood in the forest on a Sunday -what a terrible sin;-) Do you have this tale as well? Then it came to my mind that the moon is female in many languages, but in German it is male (I wonder why) and it is shown as a man in children's picture books. As a child I often asked myself why the moon was always smoking a pipe in those books.

Registered User
(4/26/02 4:04:23 pm)
Re: full moon names from around the world
I remember this tale about the man gathering wood for a fire on Sunday. In the tale I grew up with the man was lazy on Saturday and had no wood for his fire on Sunday, so his wife forced him to go gather wood on the Sabbath. (I believe this may be loosely based on an Old Testament passage about a man being stoned to death for such an action? This is the vaguest of recollections, however.) My version was handed down to me by my French grandmother.

~M. Pepper

Registered User
(4/26/02 10:32:23 pm)
Re: full moon names from around the world
Oh, and tonight is the full Pink Moon (here in the U.S. anyway). . . We have the Blue Moon, the Harvest Moon, the Hunter's Moon, the Beaver Moon. . . I don't know them all. I guess the names come from the Native Americans?

~M. Pepper

pauline storyteller
Unregistered User
(5/6/02 3:14:02 pm)
moon names
In old times Norway there was something called "Urdarmåne", which means "Urds moon", pointing to Urd, the goddess of fate.

This is when the full moon is red, and you should be real careful when this happens. You have all the same things you should not do when the moon is setting. But if you violate upon this... the consequences will be so much more fatal.

Yvonne Verdier wrote an arthical about similar things in the french village Minot. I don`t remember the name of the article (something with "salt", i think), but it`s written in 1976.

Good luck with your project!


Draco the Lizard
Registered User
(5/7/02 11:26:16 am)
Re: moon names
Isn't there some story about a clown living on the moon who plays some sort of magical violin?

"Fairy-tales don't tell children monsters exit, they know that already. Fairy-tales tell children how to defeat the monster."

Unregistered User
(5/19/02 4:09:55 pm)

In Egypt the god of the moon was Amun and he was such a favorite that when he was replaced in poularity they tacked his name onto the front as in Amun-Ra.
Also there is an asian folktale about a poor childless couple who find a shild in a bamboo patch and raise her as their own. When she is grown all the princes of the land want her for thair own because of her great beauty, but on the night of her betrothel(?) she returns to the moon to take her rightful place and marry the moon-prince(assumption). Her name was Kagu yia hemae, I belive.


Registered User
(5/21/02 5:37:40 am)
Celtic Lunar Calander
These are the Celtic names from a worksheet from a class I recently attended (you can back this up in books like 'The Celtic Lunar Zodiac' by Helena Paterson), I also have the Native American and New England names floating around somewhere if you're interested (just have to find them). Let me know!

Celtic Lunar Months
The Celtic Lunar Calendar begins with the first sliver of waxing moon closest to October 31st (Samhain falling on the dark moon just before)

Gaelic (English)
Beithe (Birch)-beginnings, potential, possibility
Luis (Rowan)-protection, magick
Fern (Alder)-foundations, building
Saille (Willow)-intuition, psychic abilities
Nin (Ash)-balance, union, interconnectedness
Hauthe (Hawthorn)-patience, restraint, receptivity
Duir (Oak)-strength, longevity, ancestral knowledge, wisdom
Tinne (Holly)-action, victory, motivation, movement
Coll (Hazel)-creativity, artistry, inspiration
Quiert (Apple)-beauty, the Otherworld, faery energies
Muin (Vine)-introspection, reflection, altered awareness
Gort (Ivy)-growth, moving beyond obstacles
Ngetal (Broom/Reed)-The "Nameless Day" (Samhain)

Unregistered User
(5/22/02 3:23:08 pm)
Native full moon names
I know the Ojibway month names are related to the phases of the moon and the seasons; see Louise Erdrich's Tracks for some of those names. Also, Cherokee Elder Raven Hail has published a book on the Cherokee calendar and Cherokee astrology; this book (the title escapes me---Cherokee Sacred Calendar, I think) is readily available. I know that there has also been published work on the Mayan, Hopi, and Aztec calendars which are lunar in origin. Hope this helps!

Unregistered User
(5/23/02 9:28:53 am)
moon phase software - Lunabar
I have a program on my computer that displays the current phase of the moon in the taskbar. It's incredibly cool. You can choose to display full moon names from about 5 different cultures - and the moon names are all listed in the help file. These are the choices: Algonquin Native American/Colonial, San Juan Native American, Taos Native American, Neo-Pagan, or Mediaeval English.

Lunabar is available for free at - I like it so much that I actually paid for it.

Registered User
(5/23/02 9:12:14 pm)

German word for fullmoon
The german word is Vollmond. It is masculine so "the full moon" would be "der Vollmond." Hope that helps some.

Registered User
(5/25/02 2:12:10 pm)
From the latest Boston Phoenix site:
"THIS WEEK (Saturday, May 25)

The indigenous peoples of the New World didn’t agree on this month’s full moon. Starting north and moving south, the Nunamiut Eskimos called this the "moon when the ice goes out of the rivers." The Lakota Sioux preferred the "moon of the shedding ponies," while the Cheyenne noted this moon was the "time when the horses get fat." The Taos tribe dubbed it the "corn-planting moon," while the San Juan peoples preferred "leaf-tender moon." Whether your leaves are tender or your ice is cracking, the full moon ratchets up the intensity for all, but especially air and water people."

Soft whispers and valley blossoms,


Registered User
(7/3/02 10:01:30 am)
In most of the world the Moon is seen as female, and the Sun as male. However, in Germanic tradition, the reverse is true. While it makes sense that the Sun's daily cycle corresponds to men as the Moon's monthly cycle corresponds to women; maybe the Germanic system concerns attractive forces. For example, "the Moon attracts women, and must be male." I don't know if this helps, but I admit no one has ever explained to me why these genders so arrange.
I can confirm the Germanic Man-in-the-Moon story. It was told to me as a little boy, and I have never forgotten it. As far as I know, there is no corresponding story for the Sun.
There are some color correspondences for the different moons throughout the year, as I was taught. Starting on All Saints' Day, the first full moon has the color of blood red. Every moon thereafter has a corresponding color in the following sequence:
1- blood red
2- pale blue-silver
3- black
4- purple
5- blue
6- white
7- yellow-green
8- pink
9- orange
10- golden yellow
11- dark green
12- brown
13- dark red

In some years, there are 13 full moons before the next All Saints'. In these instances, the 13th color is brough out. The dark red symbolizes the wine we drink in celebration of these years. Each of the moons has similar associations, though I would have to ask someone else for all of them. For some villages, it is traditional to weave a wreath at each new moon with the moon's color predominant. There are also alternates in this system, for example the moon from September to October (the final moon, usually) is symbolized by using a grain sheaf hung in the shape of a broom. It is burned at All Saints' Eve.
You might try looking at Sun myths as well, as the two seem to be eternally intertwined throughout the world's mythology.

Registered User
(7/3/02 11:51:01 am)

Re: moon-names
I thought Amon-Ra (or Amun-Ra, or -Re) was the Egyptian sun god and that it was Horus who represented the moon? (The moon was supposedly Horus' blind eye.)

~M. Pepper

Unregistered User
(7/3/02 12:43:54 pm)
Calvino's cosmics
Italo Calvino wrote a beautiful moon SF/fairy tale story in the opening tale of "Cosmic Comics." It's wonderful and full of strange images--early in the universe when the moon and the earth were very close together and one could harvest milk from the moon--rowing a boat very close to the underbelly of the moon and then letting the moon's gravity pull you up feet first---

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