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Unregistered User
(12/4/02 6:43:36 pm)
desperately seeking...
i am looking for a collection of the fairy tales that the Grimm bros. edited, but i want them in original form.can anyone help me? remember before the grimm bros. got a hold of them,PLEASE!!!!???? THANK YOU!!

Unregistered User
(12/4/02 11:22:40 pm)
grimm's folk tales bewfore they gathered them.
well, a lot of folks think the tales were not from the 'folk' in Grimm's collections, but rather gathered from middleclass (cant' spell bougousie right) educated persons and also literary sources and perhaps from Ault Marie. I do not know of a collection of the tales before Grimm's got hold of them, though no doubt there are many free-standing stories recorded from that time in 18th and 19 century literature; re Grimms, they likely would be in the German of their time.

May I gently inquire, why you are "desperately seeking"?

Perhaps someone else here will also be ablt to add to or have another point of view on this...
all best

Unregistered User
(12/5/02 3:24:33 am)
cpe has it right. Can you read German (or French?) There are a lot of individual stories in various of Zipes' books. And he did an entire book ABOUT the Grimms and how they went about their collecting. But there is no collection of Grimms before the Grimm Bros did their earliest.


Yellow McMaggie
Registered User
(12/5/02 6:21:53 am)
Grimms' earliest
(This message was left blank)

Edited by: Yellow McMaggie at: 12/5/02 8:35:43 am
Yellow McMaggie
Registered User
(12/5/02 6:36:58 am)
Re: Grimms' earliest
About the closest you can come to finding the tales in their "most" original form before the Grimms edited them, is by trying to come across a copy of their Oldenburg manuscripts of 1810. These were the tales that they had sent to Clemens Brentano for his collection of "Des Knaben Wunderhorn" Brentano never used these but they were later found. I don't remember when they were found. The exact date escapes me at this moment I believe it was well after the Brothers' death. The manuscripts contain many the original group of tales that were published in the first volume of their first edition in 1812. (AND the manuscript tales are different from the tales in published form - so the Grimms began editing even with the first edition of their tales!).

I don’t know if it is possible to find the tales from the manuscripts of 1810 in English – I’ve never tried, but I do know that you can find them in German.

Furthermore, at the back of Zipes' "Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm" he includes the source for each tale, for easy reference. Many of them spring from literary sources from the educated society (middle and aristocratic classes) i.e. Perrault's [french] mother goose tales. You might be able to refer to the original literary source of the tale, for when the Grimms are known to have taken a tale from such a source. But then again, it is a literary source and I am uncertain as to whether you are trying to find solely oral sources.

You could also refer to the annotations of their earliest editions. They make mention of similar tales and "try" to pin down each tales' origin -i.e. where it is found orally.

Katie - who is having a heck of a time cutting and pasting from a word document - please ignore previous posting, but I have a need to type on MSWord, due to my computers nasty habit of shutting down at its own will.

Edited by: Yellow McMaggie at: 12/5/02 6:47:08 am
Rosemary Lake
Registered User
(12/9/02 12:20:29 pm)
_The Hard Facts of the Grimms' Fairy Tales_ by Maria Tatar
_The Hard Facts of the Grimms' Fairy Tales_ by Maria Tatar tracks their changes from their earliest edition, so it might have some leads to their sources.

Registered User
(12/10/02 9:43:22 pm)
Also, Ruth Bottigheimer's _Brimms' Bad Girls and Bold Boys_ tracks the changes made in the manuscripts and successive editions, particularly with an eye to gender.


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