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Unregistered User
(8/25/02 8:56:14 am)
Tufty Ricky
In the charles Perrault fairy tales their is a fairy tale called Tufty ricky about a ugly prince who very smart, and beautiful princess who is stupid. Ricky makes the princess smart with his love and the princess makes ricky handsome with her love. Also the princess has a sister who is hiddeouse and smart. Little is said about her, does any one know of any versions of this story where it tells what happened to the ugly sister.

Registered User
(8/27/02 1:07:19 am)
Re: Tufty Ricky
I don't know any version that talks about the ugly sister, but you might want to look at Catherine Bernard's version of the tale, written and published around the same time as Perrault's (late 17th century France). You can find an English translation in Beasts, Beauties and Enchantment: Classic French Fairy Tales translated and edited by Jack Zipes (or his shorter volume, Beauty and the Beast and Other Classic French Fairy Tales. It's based on the same old folktales as the Perrault version, but is darker and more pointedly from a female perspective.

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