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Unregistered User
(8/2/02 8:12:32 am)
Sorceress Cerwinden - Time-Life "Wizards and Witches&qu
I've just found this site, what a delight! Hopefully somebody can help me.

I'm trying to track down the story of "The Sorceress Cerwinden." This appeared in the Time-Life "Enchangement" series, the book "Wizards and Witches."

Do any of you kind readers know the story? Could you share a brief synopsis with me? Thanks!


Laura McCaffrey
Registered User
(8/2/02 9:38:53 am)
Re: Sorceress Cerwinden - Time-Life "Wizards and Witche
If its Ceridwen you're looking for - also spelled a variety of other ways, Cerridwen, Keridwen, etc. - this link gives a good synopsis of the story found in some collections of the Mabinogion.

Laura Mc

Unregistered User
(8/2/02 11:23:35 am)
Re: Sorceress Cerwinden - Time-Life "Wizards and Witche
Perfect! This is just what I was looking for. Thanks Laura.


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