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Unregistered User
(7/29/02 8:10:31 am)
Seven swans
There seems to be a lot of fairy tales similar to this one. Are there more than average for most fairy tales. How are they all the same, except for brothers turned bird of coarse.

Registered User
(7/30/02 6:36:17 am)
Re: Seven swans
Hi Leah,

I was wondering about that myself - having just read the tales "Seven Ravens" and "Six Swans." I'm curious if anyone has any thoughts as far as the psychological interpretations of that motif (for example, where a step-parent's vengeance turns the six brothers into swans, who in turn are saved and restored by their sister, who has to go through immense trials and come close to death to do so). Scott

Registered User
(7/31/02 1:22:33 am)
I love the story of Seven (or Six) Swans when I was a child, and I've written about the tale in two memoir-style essays published in The Armless Maiden anthology, and in the new, expanded edition of Kate's collection: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Women Writers Explore Their Favorite Fairy Tales

For me, the most important part of the story was that the sister was required to remain silent in order to break her brothers' enchantment, and that she had the courage to take on the task of breaking it despite the fact that it was very painful (crushing nettles and weaving them into coats), ad to persist even when it almost led to her own death.

Living in household with violent parents, this was a story that really spoke to me -- particular growing up in the Sixties when child abuse and domestic violence were still issues shrouded in thick silence. Also, I had younger half-brothers who I longed to be able to save (and, alas, could not) from the "enchantment" of our situation. This is a highly personal interpretation, of course, and just one way that the tell can be read.

Registered User
(7/31/02 1:23:47 am)
oops, that's meant to be "one way that the tale can be read" --
for some reason there's no Edit button appearing on my posts today.

Unregistered User
(7/31/02 5:36:11 am)
strong girl
What i also like about this fairy tale is that the heroin, actualy does something, are there any other that have such active heroins?

Registered User
(7/31/02 10:54:16 pm)
Re: Seven swans
Hi Terri,

Thanks for pointing out about the importance of her silence. There is something very profound about that, which I didn't pick up before. It strikes me as the passive internal face of courage, in comparsion to the active external one which we much more often read about. Scott

Registered User
(8/1/02 1:51:08 am)
Terri (and others who may want to edit)- If you are a registered user, click on "Log in" on the main page for the discussion board and sign in. The Edit option should then appear next to all of your posts.

Dandelion wishes,


Registered User
(8/1/02 7:23:56 am)
Dear Kerrie:

Usually, this works for me, but something seems to be wrong with the server - when I hit Log In, it sends me to a rather unhelpful page, which contains the words "Help" and "Log In" ... and absolutely nothing to click. Also, for some reason, the page doesn't renew automatically when I select it from my favorites - it give me a version of the page from a week or so ago. I'm not sure if this is the fault of my computer (which is a Mac, and pure evil), or if there is something going on with the board. I've never had these problems before...

Frustratedly Venting,

Registered User
(8/1/02 9:05:30 am)
Re: Weeelllll...

I *am* logged in, but there's something screwy going on with the server.

Registered User
(8/1/02 9:11:39 am)
:( Odd...
That's really odd- I have edit buttons next to mine. Sorry!

Testing- this is an edit.

Another edit- Heidi, have you heard anything about EZBoard?

Edited by: Kerrie at: 8/1/02 9:33:26 am

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