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Unregistered User
(8/12/02 10:34:05 pm)
Hello all. I'm searching for fairy tales relating to hands in one way or another. I have a few, but thought I'd throw a query out your way and see what comes in. I'm fascinated with the concept of hands and their significance in the course of humanity. Any comments? Personal anecotes?


Registered User
(8/13/02 12:45:38 am)
Re: hands
The Anasazi or the Ancient Ones, ancestors of Hopi and Pueblo, feature hands on their cave paintings.

I don't have a link at my fingertips (no pun), but if you google, you might find some interesting theories

good luck,


Unregistered User
(8/13/02 5:09:43 am)
I am an Appalachian storyteller. I hope you don't mind if I bring a folktale into the fairytale realm. There is an old mountain story (based, loosely, on a ballad... Pretty Polly). This story is also similar to the Bluebeard tales. In this story, Polly tracks her suspicious swain into the woods to a small house. She enters the house. There a parrot warns her to go away. Polly hears the man coming. She hides under the stair well. The man enters with another young woman. The man tries to drag the woman upstairs. A struggle ensues. The young woman grabs the stair rail. The man pulls out his sword and chops off her hand. The hand falls down, down, down into Polly's apron. Polly keeps the hand a secret. Keeps it hidden away and then pulls it out one night at a gathering. Polly uses the hand as evidence against the man. Sometimes, I've heard tell, there is a ring on the woman's finger. Perhaps a wedding ring. In the end, all eyes are riveted on the hand. The hand, ah, the hand.

Registered User
(8/13/02 7:38:06 am)
Mr. Fox?
Intresting ... this tale sounds like it might be connected to the tales known as "Mr. Fox," or "The Robber Bridegroom," in which hands (or, parts of hands, depending on the grisliness of the specific variant) also act to reveal the truth.

Unregistered User
(8/13/02 8:47:09 am)
Pretty Polly
If you want to read it, I have a link to Pretty Polly in my Tales Similar to Bluebeard section at:


The story is actually available on AppLit, a site that offers Appalachian tales and studies. The best I have seen on its subject matter online.


Unregistered User
(8/13/02 9:39:34 am)
Hmmmm... first time I've seen the story written down. Different, though, then the way the folks told it when I was growing up. My grandpa would tell that tale and I knew I had better not chase after no pretty trashy man or I'd lose something VERY important... lose a hand, lose my grip? yes, well, I heard the story but I didn't learn and time after time, sure enough, I lost my grip... at least for a little while! But (like Polly) I was always willing to 'lend a hand' to save my women friends... (sorry) Quiet for now, Angelyn

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