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Registered User
(7/31/02 11:59:35 pm)
fairy tale interpretation group
Hello Everyone,

For those of you interested in the psychological interpretations of fairy tales and myths and how they apply to our everyday expreriences, I've started an online discussion group. Here's the address:
Hope to hear from some of you. Scott

Registered User
(8/1/02 2:51:09 pm)

Re: fairy tale interpretation group
Dear Scott,

on one hand, I am interested in joining a list dedicated to the interpretation of fairy tales, but, on the other, I have no interest in joining a group which focuses soley on the psychological aspects of the tales. Such an approach ignores the deeper layers of meaning contained within the naratives. This approach has much in common with Jung's accessment of alchemy. Alchemy is not about making gold from base metals, but rather about refining the being of the alchemist, or so Jung maintained. To Jung, the mechanics of alchemy were meant to be understood metaphorically. But let us suppose for a moment that Jung was wrong, that at least some of the alchemical text were concerned with the creation of gold, or perhaps some other compound of equal or greater value. If one were to examine such a text purely from a psychological perspective, its true import would be lost. The same holds true when we substitute fairy tales for alchemical texts. Suppose some of the texts contain an additional layer of meaning, a meaning well beyond the realm of the psychological, approaching, perhaps, the realm of the technological. For the proper examination of such a text one must approach each tale with an open mind, so that the clues contained within should have the opportunity to reveal themselves under the proper light.


James Lambert

Registered User
(8/1/02 4:56:27 pm)
Re: fairy tale interpretation group

Fair enough. I created the new list as I'm a psychotherapist and enjoy using the tales with my clients, and for my own growth as well. I noticed that the group here at SurLaLune has a broad spectrum in its interest in Fairy Tales; and so I thought I would create something more specific for those of us interested in fairy tales/myths as therapy and guides for the deeper processes of life. Thanks for responding. Scott

Unregistered User
(8/1/02 5:07:03 pm)
Use of Fairy tales in therapy

I am working on an article with a couple of other people on the board about the importance of fairy tales to children. One aspect I would like to dig into a little more is the psychological aspect. Any chance we could chat about this?


Registered User
(8/1/02 11:29:57 pm)
Re: Use of Fairy tales in therapy
Glad to.

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