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(8/28/02 5:42:27 am)
Fantastic Fictions Symposium announcement
Fantastic Fictions: Medieval & Modern -- a one-day symposium at the University of Sydney, Friday 27th September 2002

*Guest of Honour : Professor Brian Attebery *
(Author of /Strategies of Fantasy/ (1992), /Decoding Gender in Science Fiction/ (2002), co-editor (with Ursula K. Le Guin) of the /Norton Book of Science Fiction/ (1993).)

Guest authors : American SF author *Scott Westerfeld* and Australian fantasy and science fiction authors *Terry Dowling* and *Sophie Masson*

Other speakers : *Dr Justine Larbalestier* (University of Sydney), *Dr Sylvia Kelso* (James Cook University), *Djoymi Baker* (Melbourne Univeristy), *Wendy Pearson* (University of Woollongong), *Kerrie Le Lievre* (Adelaide University), *Dr Chantal Bourgault* (Curtin University of Technology)

Convenors: *Kim Selling <>, Lilla Smee* (University of Sydney)

/Fantastic Fictions/ is a one-day symposium at the University of Sydney, Australia, drawing attention to the scholarly and critical work on the fantastic that goes on at universities around Australia. There will be papers from postgraduate researchers and leading academics, author talks, and a chaired Roundtable to showcase current research and the broad range and variety of approaches the fantastic opens itself up to. /Fantastic Fictions/ offers serious critical comment and debate on the fantastic in literature, film, television, art, and other media. The presentations will highlight the connections between the fantastic past and present, the sources, influences, and concerns of fantastic fictions and some reasons for their relevance to the modern world, as well as contemporary forms of the fantastic, from a variety of viewpoints. The aim is hopefully to provide an on-going forum facilitating and encouraging critical discussion and research into all forms of the fantastic in Australia.

*Venue: Women's College, Western Avenue, University of Sydney*
*Friday 27th September, 2002

*For more information and registrations visit the Fantastic Fictions Website at


* Join the Fantastic Email List: Australian Fantasy & Science Fiction Research Network* @

Sponsored by The Centre for Medieval Studies
Research Institute for Humanities & Social Sciences
and the Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association.
supported by
Galaxy Bookshop

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