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Unregistered User
(7/19/02 7:23:53 am)
Allusions to fairy tales/folktales in movie scenes
This is slight twist to a thread on movies posted earlier.

I was watching Jean Renior's "Grand Illusion" a couple of nights ago and there was an allusion to the Pied Piper in the "climax" of the movie. A character plays a wooden flute to attract the prison guards, who then follow him (I won't say anything more or it might ruin the movie for those who have never seen it). It made me curious about other movies. Does anyone have a favorite movie scene, not whole movie, that makes subtle or not so subtle reference to a fairy tale or folktale?


Registered User
(7/19/02 11:37:08 pm)
Re: Allusions to fairy tales/folktales in movie scenes
I would recommend "Lawndogs," which turned out to be a sleeper of a movie. It involves two two lonely souls, a ten year old girl and a young man who mows lawns. There are some Lolita elements but the character who actually approaches her sexually is her brother, who is of dubious moral character to begin with. Both of the main characters are strongly portrayed, and the suprising mythic element at the end of the film is drawn from the "Baba Yaga," the story the girl is reading and acting out throughout the movie in various ways, and lends a chilling fairy tale ending to the movie. This aspect of the film blew me away, as I was not expecting it, and took the movie into even more of a magic realism (or interstitial) direction that only made it all the better.

For an excellent review, go here:

Unregistered User
(7/20/02 4:18:27 am)
movie ref
Thanks for the heads up on Lawn Dogs. It looks really interesting. Do you know if it is easily available at a Blockbuster sort of place--or should I look for it at more of an art house video place?

Registered User
(8/9/02 2:46:46 pm)
Re: movie ref
Hi Midori,

I've seen it at most video rental places like Blockbusters, so it must be in fairly wide circulation. Now that I'm saying that it will probably be impossible to find! I doubt it, though. I was sorry I didn't tape it the first time I saw it on cable, and did the second time. So if you absolutely can't find it I can dupe it for you. Good luck!

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