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Registered User
(10/16/01 5:46:44 am)
Wili, Peri, and other names for fae and spirits in folklore
I've been reading *101 Stories of the Great Ballets* and was wondering if any one knew the original stories/folklore that mentions the Wili or the Peri. I believe the Peri is Persian, but can't find much info about it. Is the Wili similar to the banshee? The Peri like a dryad?

Forest frosts,


Unregistered User
(10/16/01 9:36:44 am)
Dear Kerrie,
I only know about the Peri, which to my knowledge is indeed from the Persian/ Arabic/ Turkish folklore. It is a fairy, and neither exactly a dryad nor a flower fairy, but somewhere in between, I believe. It is a spirit of nature and plants. I remember a tale about a Peri of the water lilies. In that tale, the Peri was unfriendly and even a little cruel, though I believe the Peri to be "good guys" in general. There are the Huri, too, but I can't remember the difference to the Peri. I will have a closer look once I manage to hunt down my Persian/ Arabic fairy tales. WHY, WHY ARE THE BOOKS I LOOK FOR ALWAYS!!! ELSEWHERE???????

Unregistered User
(10/16/01 9:40:38 am)
Fairy Mythology

There's a little bit about the peris in Thomas Keightley's Fairy Mythology. My impression is that, while peris are fairies, they often also perform a genie-style function.


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