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Registered User
(10/4/01 12:45:28 am)
Thumbalina question
hello, this is my first visit to this site and i have to say i love it...i have a small daughter wants to be thumbalina for halloween..I am not sure what thumbalina looks like...could someone describe her to me..and what things make her different from other fairys or princesses? any help would be appreciated..thanks

Unregistered User
(10/4/01 1:48:41 pm)

How Thumbelina appears is left mostly up to the imagination. My best recommendation would be to visit your local library and look at the various illustrations by artists of the story. It is by Hans Christian Andersen, so most anthologies of his stories will have a version with an illustration.

Here are some links to larger cover images of Thumbelina on As you can see, her appearance changes according to the vision of the illustrator.


Jeanne Goodman
Unregistered User
(10/4/01 1:52:55 pm)
Thumbelina--one answer
Have you asked your daughter what she thinks Thumbelina looks like? That might solve your problem easily---children usually have definite ideas!! I assume she's small and heard the story at daycare or school. Ask the teacher to show you the version she reads. Or go to the library with your daughter to look at various editions. If you go to and search for the book, you'll see there is no standard. (You can look at the covers of 15 or so versions.) Since Thumbelina was small enough to fit into a flower, once you decide on the dress, you could add a hooded cape and attach large cut-out felt flower leaves to give the illusion your daughter was in the bloom. Good luck! Jeanne

Registered User
(10/6/01 11:48:31 am)
Re: Thumbalina question
thank you so much for your quick response, I think this is great..My daughtert said she saw the movie at her little friends house a year or more ago....thanks again

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