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Charles Vess
Unregistered User
(9/26/01 10:41:51 am)
An invitation to see Visionary Art visuals
Hey all,

It's been a struggle to keep my mind out of the headlines and concentrate on the work on my drawing board these last two weeks (to say the least!) so instead I developed a mini website with art samples of many of the modern day "visionary" artists that I was talking about in an earlier post (Sulamith Wulfing and modern fairy tale art). I've shown several examples by each artist as well as given their respective web sites (if I've been able to dig that information up) so it's a bit of a wait on the download but worth it I think.

I've also scanned in work by two of the "old guys" that I had been extolling the virtues of in an even earlier post, John Bauer and Herman Vogel.

Here's the web address to go to for the art:

I hope that these images will bring some relief from all those other images that have lately been flickering across the TV screens in all the households of the world.


Charles Vess
Unregistered User
(9/26/01 10:46:56 am)
Okay, that link isn't working from here.

But if you copy and paste that html into the Netscape Navigator option it does.

Go figure!?



Registered User
(9/26/01 11:02:17 am)
Re: Opps!
It adds an additional "h t t p://" (without the spaces- it won't show in this message otherwise) to the beginning of the link. If you click on it, then delete that portion, that will also work.

Dandelion wishes,


Edited by: Kerrie at: 9/27/01 8:06:18 am
Unregistered User
(9/26/01 12:50:33 pm)
A feast for the eyes
Thanks Charles! I enjoyed your post very much!


Unregistered User
(9/27/01 6:00:42 am)
Thank You
Thank you so much for posting these. It was really nice of you, esp at the present moment.


Unregistered User
(9/27/01 1:08:49 pm)
Dear Charles:
These are magnificent! To my shame, I was not familiar with John Bauer (by name, at least; the images are teasingly familiar) or Rachel Clearfield; thank you so much for posting them!

Registered User
(9/29/01 7:38:38 pm)
Re: An invitation to see Visionary Art visuals

Loved your selections. It was nice to be able to see more of many of these artists.

I've been trying to think of others in this category. One local (in Washington State) artist is Deborah Koff-Chapin who has a unique technique which she calls "touch drawing" - which entails inking and braying a board, laying paper on top and then drawing with both hands - using fingers, nails, palms, etc... Supposed to be a very good way of accessing your subconscious. I'm waiting for her to come off of sabatical to take a class with her (she teaches classes on how to teach this..) Her website is (I can't get the links to post 'active' - don't know what I"m doing wrong....)
if you'd like to see more of her very interesting work and technique.

I'm still short on men in this group... Did anyone have a good theory why that is? One male possibility I thought of is Mark English - though not his work as a whole. He's done some pieces that I think fit, but I couldn't find any of this genre of his online.

Thomas Blackshear is maybe borderline in this category - though some is definately in the Pyle/Wyeth/Parrish school (his "Beauty and the Beast" for one). I found a site that has a bunch of his limited edition prints (
which also carries sample of Scott Gustafson, James Gurney and James Christensen - all of which seem to be in the more traditional fairytale/fantasy category. Hmmmm....

I was glad you included Greg Spalenka, I'd forgotten about him - his stuff is great.

I also thumbed through my latest "Spectrum" to see if anyone else jumped out - but the vast majority of the work included is so 'slick' feeling - it doesn't do it for me.

Will keep looking.

Thanks again Charles!


Unregistered User
(9/30/01 2:12:28 am)
Don't forget
Do you know Barbara Berger's work? She's a Washingtion state artist who has done about eight or ten books as well as many pieces of fine art. Her books include "Grandfather Twilight" and "Animalia" and the illustrated novel "Gwinna."


Registered User
(9/30/01 12:45:11 pm)
Re: Don't forget

Yes, I know of Barbara Berger. I've enjoyed 'Grandfather Twilight' for years. Was tickled to discover she lived out here. For some reason, Western Washington seems to have more than its share of artists - both literary and visual (and musical too, I suppose). I was amazed by the sheer numbers of published people when I hooked up with this chapter of SCBWI when we moved out here 3 years ago. Lots of the writers live in/near Seattle. Lots of the illustrators live out in Pugent Sound on various islands. And that's just the people working in the children's genre. I get a little overwhelmed periodically - crowded field that it is....

But I digress...


isthmus nekoi
Registered User
(10/5/01 7:39:13 am)
another man
Thanks for the link! I have to admit, I've never heard of these artists before... Some of it reminds me of tarot imagery.

I think Amano Yoshitaka's work may be of interest and reminds me of some of the contemporary works on the site, although the bulk of his stuff is in the fantasy/fairytale category... He has a page at (The Tale of Genji stuff is marvelous)

Also, I think the reason why the link doesn't work is b/c there is a space before the h t t p (the underscore sort of sticks out to the left). Maybe if the space is deleted, it will work properly?

Edited by: isthmus nekoi at: 10/5/01 7:40:53 am
isthmus nekoi
Registered User
(10/11/01 4:45:42 pm)
Re: another man
Alex Grey has some fascinating visionary work (recently his art was used for Tool's Lateralus CD)

Here's his site!

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