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Unregistered User
(10/13/01 12:41:12 pm)
Gail Carson Levine
What languages were Gail Carson Levine's published in?

were any of then published in Hebrew?

Do any of you know where can I find out or who can I ask?

thanks, hermione

Laura McCaffrey
Registered User
(10/14/01 4:11:41 pm)
gail carson levine

Gail Carson Levine is from New York and her books are all written in English. I'm not sure if her books have been translated into Hebrew or other languages. Is there a Hebrew version of or any of the other big online book sellers? If so, they would probably list any books she has had translated into Hebrew.

Heidi or some of the other children's librarians who post on this board do you have some more concrete answers than I can provide? Laura Mc

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