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Author Comment
Registered User
(10/23/01 8:11:44 am)
The Fairy Tale Cycle
Fellow board member Helen Pilonovsky has a lovely essay about fairy tales currently posted on the Endicott site: Just wanted to make sure that y'all didn't miss it. There's also new fairy tale poetry by Midori (Baba Yaga) and Cory-Ellen (Cinderella):

Also, art by the Dutch painter Marja Lee Kruyt, which ties into the Sulamith Wulfing discussion we were having below:

Edited by: Terri at: 10/23/01 8:18:14 am
Registered User
(10/23/01 10:28:45 am)
Welcome back!
Dear Terri:
It is so good to see you back on the board again! How are you?

Registered User
(10/24/01 8:14:08 am)
Re: Welcome back!
I'm doing okay, more or less. I decided to head on to my winter place in Arizona after my mother's funeral, since I was already back in the States, rather than go home to England, since I would have been heading this way soon anyway. Now I'm in Tucson trying to catch up on all the work I missed during the last weeks of my mother's illness. It's nice to be back on the board.

Laura McCaffrey
Registered User
(10/24/01 8:14:36 am)
re: Fairy Tale Cycle

Just wanted to say I loved your essay. That outsider feeling and the searching and uncertainty were feelings with which I was very familiar. As a child I thought myself alone, that few others shared those feelings - except for all those people I read about in books! Now, working with children, I realize many children feel that way, even the ones I, as a child, would have thought were popular, accepted, successful, and confident.

Terri -
I too am glad to have you back.
Laura Mc

Registered User
(10/26/01 5:16:08 am)
Dear Laura:
Thanks so much! That essay was actually produced in response to a query from a friend of mine who just couldn't grasp why it was that I was devoting myself to the study of fairy tales, immersing myself in them - couldn't figure out what the relevance was. So, after trying - with more and more frustration - to explain it in ten words or less, I gave up, went away, poured my heart out in ten pages, and came back. Now my friend gets it.

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