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Registered User
(11/17/01 10:55:29 am) Robert Gould
Just thought I'd pop in briefly to mention Robert's site,, has an intro page up, and says it will be opening in December. There's a wonderful quote from Robert in the intro, and be sure you have your volume on.

Forest frosts,


Edited by: Kerrie at: 11/17/01 10:56:39 am
Registered User
(11/18/01 4:37:07 am)
Re: Robert Gould
Hmmm, I tried it but it took forever to load, and then all there was was a blank page...

Unregistered User
(11/18/01 8:57:37 pm)

It looks to me you need to have Flash to see the intro page. Do have Flash loaded?

~M. Pepper

Registered User
(11/19/01 7:12:53 am)
I don't think so. I don't even know what Flash is.

Registered User
(11/19/01 7:18:40 am)
It's media software for animation that you can usually download for free. Here's the main site:

I'll see if I can find the freebie page.

Forest frosts,


Registered User
(11/19/01 7:49:19 am)
Thanks, Kerrie. Personally, I think it's a mistake to create sites that require special software -- at least if you want it to be available to a wide variety of people (and perhaps Robert doesn't, I don't know, I haven't talke to him about this.) We try to keep the Endicott site simple, so that it will load reasonably quickly on most machines.

Registered User
(11/19/01 8:34:31 am)
Well, I think the site was mentioned in your new book, The Winter Child, so I would think he would want people to see it. There are also some Flash promos on the Froud site and on Woodland's site. I'm not sure of his plans either, but if you like, I can transcribe the promo and post/email it. Sadly, a lot of internet programming doesn't work for some people- sometimes it's best on a pc, sometimes a mac; sometimes it's javascript, sometimes html. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a standard in sight, and Microsoft just complicates matters further by refusing to be compatible with some programs. (What operating system are you on and what kind of browser? Examples I think would be Windows ME for OS and Internet Explorer for browser.)

Forest frosts,


Edited by: Kerrie at: 11/19/01 8:59:33 am
Registered User
(11/19/01 9:48:36 am)
internet nonsense
I saw Robert's site, but I don't know who he is. lol
I have the doodads like flash installed, but I can't help but appreciate those sites that don't use such things. There is nothing spiffy about Papaveria, I just want people to be able to go there and look at stuff no matter what browser or computer they are using. I guess I'll check back with Imaginosis in December, when there's more up.


Registered User
(11/19/01 1:39:59 pm)
Re: internet nonsense
I feel the same way. I think my NineMuses sites look pretty classy without any special (Flashy) stuff--if I do say so myself!

~M. Pepper

Registered User
(11/20/01 6:44:12 am)
Re: internet nonsense
Kerrie, I'm so computer illiterate that I'm not sure I'm answering your question correctly but:
I'm using Microsoft Windows '98, and Netscape Navigator. Richard Kunz, who designs the Endicott site, set up my system, and I just point my typing fingers (all two of them) and do whatever he tells me to do.

Heidi Anne Heiner
(11/21/01 12:02:21 am)
Re: internet nonsense
Flash is one of the bane's of my existence. It is cool when it works, but with all of the computers at the library, invariably it doesn't on one of them. Ugh! My husband, on the other hand, is a flash programmer as well as designer. Some of his stuff is beautiful, so I am always torn. My site, for now, will remain as simple as possible though. Someday I may offer an alternative version with flash pop-ups for the annotations. But that is in the long distant future. I still have to finish many of those annotations.


Registered User
(11/21/01 6:31:32 am)
Re: internet nonsense
Heidi: I, for one, am glad that you don't have flash pop-ups and all that nonsense. A well designed site with good art and text just doesn't need it. So often, sites are all flashy tricks with no real content. People who design sites are usually computer whizzes -- so naturally they have fancy computers and fast internet connections, and forget that the vast majority of people out there don't. If a page takes too long to load, I tend to get annoyed and leave. I wish people would put as much time and thought into the text on their pages as they do to the bells and whistles. Plus, too few people seem to proof-read anymore. Mistakes will creep in even with a good proof-reader (as we know from the Endicott site), but the number of spelling and grammar mistakes on some sites is just extraordinary.

Edited by: Terri at: 11/21/01 6:37:15 am
Unregistered User
(11/21/01 2:43:20 pm)
I agree
I can not help but agree with Terri and all about flash vs content. I spend too many hours on the Internet because I teach several long distance courses using the medium. I am too frequently frustrated with mechanical errors in the writing as well as the lack of anything concrete to say. Needless to say, I have no problem with this site or the Endicott one -- and thank you for that. gail

Unregistered User
(11/21/01 3:17:43 pm)
websites and all that jazz
Heidi and Terri --

I'm having a website built and plan on having a section with some fairy tale poetry. I was just hoping to put links to both SurLaLune and Endicott. Would either of you mind?


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