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Author Comment
Registered User
(11/14/01 3:48:41 pm)
Who's your favorite 'disgusting' fairy tale character
Can any readers more knowledgeable about fairy tales than myself, please name
your favorite 'disgusting' (whatever your definition of that is) fairy tale
character/s and the serious or humorous qualities you admire about him
/ her / it, or that you can personally relate to (either seriously, humorously or
a bit of both).

Heidi Anne Heiner
(11/14/01 8:05:13 pm)
Re: Who's your favorite 'disgusting' fairy tale character ?

Actually a visitor asked this question a few weeks ago. Our replies our listed further down on the board under:

"Your favorite bad habits of any fairytale characters ?"


Unregistered User
(11/14/01 8:47:19 pm)
Essay Question
Hmm...sounds like an english 101 assignment...something I'd give in an unplanned moment.

Registered User
(11/14/01 9:50:01 pm)
Not for an essay. I've recently taken a keen interest in fairy tales
and was delighted to find this site, being pretty much the only one
of it's kind on the net and populated by readers who know much more
than me.

Heidi Anne Heiner
(11/14/01 10:27:11 pm)
Re: Wrong
Welcome on the board, we all learn new things here, I hope.

I also realize your question was slightly different from the previous one, but essentially the same as the previous one, despite the emphasis on "disgusting." Occasionally we get a rash of similar questions which are based on a school assignment--the last was three different postings asking about the significance of the number three.

Your question did make me think of all the hype and humor of Shrek this past summer and again now it is on DVD/VHS. The movie and Steig's book play with the grosser side of ogre life, to be sure.So what is your favorite disgusting habit of a fairy tale character?


Unregistered User
(11/15/01 7:39:49 am)

You miss the board for a few weeks and you miss exciting categories like disgusting characters and habits.

I was surprised with all of you waiting for prince charming slammers no one said anything about the nasty little habit of "living happily ever after" - no, sorry doesn't work that way. Should have been lives happily ever after until the prince, now king, has his midlife crisis and goes looking for comatose princesses with which to have children, or gets so tired of their teenage daughter that they wait breathlessly for her to prick her finger and become comatose (if only for a 100 years) so that they can get some rest, or until the king decides that he would rather marry someone younger whose menopausal symptoms don't make his wife into a witch who eats little children, but then has the audacity to marry some trophy wife who is going to make his daughter into a slave. Could go on.

As for disgusting habits, Babi yaga certainly used some interesting building materials and the witch in Hansel and Gretel probably could have used some training in the culinary arts, but at least she was experimental.


Unregistered User
(11/15/01 3:39:42 pm)
cool idea

I hope no offense was taken by my question on English 102. I'm teaching highschool English, and I really thought what an inspired sort of essay to ask them to part because it examines my favorite aspect of fairy tales...our venial appetites and weaknesses laid bare. I think that's why trickster narratives have such huge appeal...he is full of disgusting habits, scatalogical and obscene. And yet...and yet...out of all that disgusting behavior sometimes comes the culture hero.

Laura McCaffrey
Registered User
(11/15/01 4:36:18 pm)
re: Darn
Jess -

What an inspired answer!

Disgusting habits. Hmmm.

Well I do love that shivery creepy feeling I get from many Irish fairy stories - all those fairies running people to death or stealing babies and replacing them with haggish fairy people or dazzeling people until they lose their minds. Perhaps it's just my secret cynical self who likes to see humans get their come-uppance now and again.
Laura Mc

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