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Unregistered User
(5/22/01 2:31:35 pm)
Tale of Illness
Okay, here I am with yet another request. So sorry.

Does anyone know of a tale about two friends, one of whom is ill? I suppose it could also be a tale of a mother and daughter, or two sisters, but I am trying to find one about two friends if possible. Not a tale of death, but illness.

Really, sorry to be both vague and yet demanding. I just can't think of one. Any ideas?

Registered User
(5/22/01 4:37:50 pm)
Goblin market ...
What about Christina Rossetti's "Goblin Market"?

Registered User
(5/22/01 6:57:05 pm)
stories of sickness

well, here's a longish one from 1904, i think:

you might also find some amateur authors on the web with materials that would work.

good luck!


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