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Author Comment
Heidi Anne Heiner
(4/25/01 9:18:02 am)
Reduction of pages
Yes, there are pages missing, and yes, it is on purpose. : )

I have removed 3-4 pages of old strings off this board and am busy reformatting them for archives. The archives of this board and Christine's old EZBoard will be combined in a no frills setting that will hopefully be searchable by the time I am through with it.

Thanks for your patience.


Heidi Anne Heiner
(4/25/01 8:58:49 pm)
Archives preview
Here is a preview of the archives. I have June through October 2000 finished and I am working on the rest. I have little summaries of the discussions on each month's table of contents.

I did add the old discussions from the EZBoard, too. I didn't differentiate between the two boards since I didn't think it was neccessary.

The link is:

Discussion Board Archives Index


Unregistered User
(4/29/01 6:46:50 pm)
Heidi, just flitted in for a quick look at the archives -- I like the way it looks -- and in particular, the short summary of the topic. Well done. Thanks, Gail

Unregistered User
(5/2/01 6:41:30 am)
Heidi, it looks very good. Very easy to use. Is there any way to put a message on this board that lets people know these archives are available on your site?

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SurLaLune Fairy Tales Discussion Board.

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