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Registered User
(5/25/01 7:53:23 am)
The Red Rose Girls
For those of you who enjoy the art of Jessie Willcox Smith and others, there will be an exhibit at the Society of Illustrators, in NYC, this summer. Here is the description:

"REDROSE GIRLS" July 11 - Aug. 11, 2001(Gallery 2)

Three women, named Jessie Willcox Smith, Elizabeth Shippen Green and Violet Oakley, were all students of Howard Pyle and became prominent American illustrators (1900-1930). They also shared a cottage in suburban Philadelphia called The Red Rose Inn. Their art, story and digitally renovated photos are the subject of a new book and this exhibition.

The Society of Illustrators is located at:
128 East 63rd Street
New York, NY 10021-7303
TEL (212) 838-2560
FAX (212) 838-2561

Just wanted to pass that along.


Registered User
(5/29/01 4:41:50 pm)
Red Rose Girls
Thanks for the info. I'm close to NYC and just started reading the book so I'd love to see the exhibit.

Heidi Anne Heiner
(5/29/01 10:05:00 pm)
Re: The Red Rose Girls
The book is wonderful. I just wish that I was somewhere near New York to see it!

Also, I have received several e-mails from visitors wanting to find Jesse Willcox Smith prints. If anyone visits this exhibit and sees some available, would they check out ordering information for me? I would love to see what might be available for myself and other eager fans.


Registered User
(5/30/01 5:25:16 am)
Re: The Red Rose Girls
Actually, it's not that hard to find Jesse Wilcox Smith prints. Any antique store that carries prints usually has a section for children's illustrations/fairy tales, and frequently carries her old magazine covers in there. If your querents are, by any odd chance, in the northern New Jersey area, the Montclair Antique Center carries quite a few.

Heidi Anne Heiner
(5/30/01 10:06:36 am)
Re: The Red Rose Girls
Thanks CoryEllen,

I actually haven't had as much luck in the antiques stores finding the prints I want, especially the fairy tale themed ones. Usually the images are from A Child's Garden of Verses which isn't as close to my heart. When I do, they are usually too fragile for me to want to hang them in my bright, sunny home. It is a good reminder for me to suggest the option to the inquiring minds. For some reason, about half of those related inquiries have come out of Australia. I have no clue what the market is like down there.


Unregistered User
(5/30/01 3:55:09 pm)
The Red Rose Girls
I usually see prints at antique fairs. Maybe this show will generate some good reproductions as well. I'll let you know if I find any.

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