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Unregistered User
(5/27/01 8:18:34 am)
I need help. Am doing a Firebird picture book and I know that from the original the bird is called "Zhar Ptitsa" and my source says that "Zhar" is the glowing heat of a furnace." But is "Ptitsa" an actual bird?

Any Russian speakers out there?


Registered User
(5/27/01 8:43:57 am)
literal translation ...
Dear Jane:
"Zhar" translates directly as "heat," with no particular connotative relation to furnaces - in Russian, you could "zharko(ye)" as an adjective from anything from the weather to, say, the heat of rising passions. "Ptitsa" isn't a species of bird, but literally, plainly, bird, of any type or kind. If you have any other questions about the original, please don't hesitate to ask!

Unregistered User
(5/27/01 11:27:35 am)
Thank you enormously.


Heidi Anne Heiner
(5/29/01 10:10:16 pm)
Re: FireBird
Speaking of Firebird, has anyone seen the Firebird piece in Fantasia 2000? It was my favorite sequence in the film and also the last one. I felt redeemed as I walked out of the theatre and after feeling sick over another gentler version of Steadfast Tin Soldier. A friend of my husband worked on the sprite and the stag in Firebird. We met him after we saw it, and we were able to quickly identify what he did in our memories.


Unregistered User
(5/30/01 2:53:20 am)
my firebird
I have been resisting seeing Fantasia in its new form as the old one ruined for me forever Beethoven's symphony. Whenever I hear it, little centaurs and centaurettes dance through my head. Ugh.


PS What's with the new enormous type format?

Heidi Anne Heiner
(5/30/01 9:58:57 am)
Re: FireBird
Ugh. Yes, Fantasia always is a threat that way, but I do prefer 2000 to the original.

The biggest threat to memory this time is perhaps "Pomp and Circumstance" played to the story of Noah's Ark. I know every graduation ceremony for the rest of my life is going to make me think of those animals marching two by two into and back out of the ark.

I really did enjoy Firebird though. My husband turned to me and said: "Ah, that's one you actually liked, isn't it?"


PS: I haven't made any changes to the settings on the board. I think everything is fluctuating due to EZBoard's move to a new server. Mine keeps dancing around to different styles and sizes, but mostly small ones.

Registered User
(5/30/01 9:37:51 pm)
I'm greatly excited at this prospect. Knowing nothing about how a book like this is prepared, I'm compelled to ask -- do you have an artist yet? And I'm curious -- do you have a particular aesthetic in mind when you prepare the text, and has it ever coincided (or clashed) with what the artist produced?

Now I'm more determined than ever to hunt up a copy of Fantasia 2000 ....


Unregistered User
(5/31/01 2:34:43 am)
My Firebird
Actually, an editor at HarperCollins asked me if I would be interested in writing a version of Firebird for artist Vladamir Vagrin, a Russian artist she had been working with for some time. This was fortutitous in two ways: I had (literally) just purchased a piece of Vagrin's art in an auction for my granddaughter's birthday; and when I was a child in Balenchine's ballet school, Maria Tallchief (without argument, the greatest of the ballet Firebirds) hung her tutu on my locker. I always knew that I would retell the story of Firebird some day.

My telling combines the Russian folktale and the ballet.


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