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Robin Brock
Registered User
(5/22/01 6:06:43 am)
Douglas Adams
Please forgive me, I realize this is off-topic for this board, but...

Douglas Adams passed away of a heart attack on May 11th. He was only 49 years old. This is such a loss! His books are so brilliant...I've re-read the Hitchhiker's Guide so many times, and it just keeps getting better.

Someone pass me my towel -- I'm off to drown my sorrows in a few Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters! *sniff*

So long, Douglas, and thanks for all the fish!

Unregistered User
(5/22/01 10:16:39 am)
Yeah, I agree. Too young. I was really sorry to read of his death.

Registered User
(5/22/01 12:45:17 pm)
Re: Adams
I heard that coincidentally, some scientists were naming an asteroid (?) after something he had written. Adams didn't know about it, and they didn't know he was dying.

Unregistered User
(5/23/01 5:49:52 am)
Douglas Adams
A friend of mine climbed Mt. Killiminjaro (I know I'm spelling that wrong) with him, while wearing a rhino costume, to raise money and awareness for the plight of the African rhino. He says Adams was a prince of a man.

Heidi Anne Heiner
(5/23/01 5:34:22 pm)
Re: Douglas Adams
I was sad to read about his death too.

I will never forget his long lasting influence on how I view the instructions on tooth pick boxes. If you haven't read his work, then it just won't make sense. In fact, it won't make more sense if you do read his work, but it will help you see it all with a sense of humor.


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