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Unregistered User
(3/14/01 3:41:02 pm)
Tale about brothers turned into geese
There is a fairy tale about 12 (I think) brothers - probably princes - who become geese. In order to turn back into men, their sister must make them special coats in a certain length of time. She works and works and finishes all 12 except for the sleeve of one. That brother always has a wing instead of an arm. Can anyone help me locate the text and title of this story?

Laura McCaffrey
Registered User
(3/14/01 4:33:28 pm)
Re: Tale about brothers turned into geese
I've read several versions of this tale. The one closest to hand on my bookshelf is the Brother's Grimm retelling, entitled The Six Swans. The six brothers are turned into swans rather than geese, but the sister has to make them all shirts and can't finish one. That brother has a wing instead of an arm. Laura Mc

Registered User
(3/14/01 4:36:22 pm)
Seven Swans
There are many variants of this story, but the one with which i'm most familiar is The Seven Swans. A wicked stepmother (of course) curses the brothers to become swans, and they can only be saved by their sister, who must sew them shirts made of nettles within X amount of time, and may not speak until that time is done. She gets all done except the one sleeve, and that brother forever has one swan wing. I think it's a Grimm's story, yesno?

Registered User
(3/14/01 4:37:35 pm)
Sorry Laura, you're right, SIX swans. Nice timing

Unregistered User
(3/20/01 10:50:29 am)
Tale about Brothers Turned Into Geese
Thank you for the response. "The Six Swans" is the story I remember - just added too many of the species (and not the right one at that!) Thank you so very much. I am most appreciative.

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