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Unregistered User
(3/18/01 12:35:33 pm)
Rumpelstiltskin - NYC - 3/31
I want everyone to know of a presentation, which includes discussion of Rumpelstiltskin, the deep and delightful fairy tale, to take place on Saturday, March 31 at 8 pm in New York City, at the Aesthetic Realism Foundation. As part of the Aesthetic Realism Dramatic Presentations there will be a wonderful, funny, hilarious presentation of a lecture Eli Siegel gave, “Humor and Strangeness,” in which he discussed "Rumpelstiltskin," Don Marquis’ archy and mehitabel, and Milt Gross’s Nize Baby. I loved “Rumpelstiltskin” as a child, and I don’t know of a person who doesn’t! In the lecture, Eli Siegel says: "Humor does something to reality—it’s a mingling of the world gone crazy and the world gone ever so correct." If you or any one you know will be in New York then, tell them!
The website of the Aesthetic Realism Foundation is:
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