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Unregistered User
(3/8/01 7:25:47 pm)
new ideas for essay on fairy tales?
i am doing a college essay on fairytales, which i am very excited about, but i need a new twist on how to look at my professor would say "make the reader look at your topic in a way he never has before!" any ideas? also, it's be really great if i could find a way to incorporate my thoughts into a more relevant, deeper, more universal that everyone could relate to or at least be interested in.

Unregistered User
(3/8/01 7:52:13 pm)
how about comparing fairy tale to short story

1) fairy tale has a good and wider area for people to write
2) fairy tale is a mean to talk about some too hot issues


Unregistered User
(3/9/01 5:26:51 am)
new ideas
One other way might be to look at the smaller, seemingly less important characters and try to figure out why they are important. Have a look at the earlier discussion on this board about "stepmothers" and also another one about "marriage" . The first thing you will want to do though is to decide on one or two tales that grab you--it's easier than trying to say something too general about fairytales as a whole.

the other thing you might find useful is to look at a wonderful book edited by Kate Bernheimer, "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Women Writers Look at Fairy Tales". There are some fabulous essays from well known women writers about how certain fairy tales affected them as writers. It might give you some inspiration to figure out why it is that certain stories move you as well.

good luck and let us know what you decide to do!

Unregistered User
(3/10/01 1:01:23 am)
thank you!
just wanted to give out a thanks for all that helped me with the essay...i really appreciate it and it gave me some wonderful ideas to go from!!!! MUCH, MUCH THANKS

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