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Unregistered User
(3/21/01 3:18:56 pm)
Museum Exhibit

I work at a children's museum and our next exhibit is going to be about fairy tales and foklore.
Does anyone have any ideas on which stories would be good to use for this. My boss and I want stories from all different cultures, with stories that are well known and some that are not. Please help.

Unregistered User
(3/21/01 5:41:07 pm)
sites of interest
My first recommendation is to go to our very own wonderful webmistress's site which specializes in fairy tales and is a great resource for children, young adults, and teachers looking for materials on fairy tales all of it, appropriate for student ages. Heidi also has some wonderful art, which might give you additional ideas for illustrators to feature, suggestions about classic old books and innovative new books.

SurLaLune Fairy Tale Pages

Also have a look at Terri Windling's excellent site on Mythic Literature and Art at the Endicott Studio. Here you will also find a list of articles and art work, and kinds of information about fairy tale and myth. In the Forum section there are a number of excellent articles written by both Terri Windling and Heinz Insu Frenkl (a nationally recognized translator of Korean folktales and author) which you might find really informative.

And hopefully, Gail Vos will check in on this one too as she has edited several excellent collections of fairy tales for young adult readers (her new book is featured in fact on Surlalune's web site.)

Sounds like a great project. Keep us posted!

Heidi Anne Heiner
(3/21/01 9:17:19 pm)
Re: sites of interest
First of all: Which museum and where and when and all that? I would love to visit.

I also feel a need to know more about the exhibit--what kind of material will be presented--illustrations, artifacts, etc.? Or is it all in the preliminary stages at this point without any real answers?

In the end, Cinderella is perhaps the most important tale to include and it also accomodates cross and multi-cultural themes all alone with the many variations around the world.

If you just want a simple stat, I receive the most questions and traffic to the areas on my site concerning Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Hansel and Gretel and Rumplestiltskin. Jack and the Beanstalk is also popular, but I haven't built it up much yet. Jack tales are always popular.

Two good collections of tales are Jane Yolen's "Favorite Folktales from Around the World" and Joanna Cole's "Beloved Folktales of the World." I also mention these because they are usually very easy to find in your local library and bookstores.

Do let me know how I may help.


Unregistered User
(3/22/01 1:24:44 pm)
folktales and museums
Hello, I echo Heidi's questions about the project before I can give any concrete advice. One idea, if you are still in the planning stage, is to arrange the exhibit around food in the tales. You can then travel to Japan for the rolling rice ball, etc. There are several resources available that may be of interest. I have Norma Livo's Moon Cakes to Maize: Delicious World Folktales (Fulcrum, 1999) that would be a grand starting point. (it is for anyone who loves to eat). I tell stories (both historical and folklore) at a historical museum up here in Edmonton -- the selection of stories illuminates the artifacts and people of our early history. If you can give us a bit clearer of an understanding of your idea, I am sure we can all add to the ideas.
Yours in stories, Gail

Registered User
(3/22/01 2:37:05 pm)
Re: sites of interest
Thanks for the feedback! I work at The Three Rivers Children's Museum in Richland, Washington.

We change out the current exhibit in September so we have six months to plan for the new exhibit. Its in the preliminary stages and at this point without any real answers.

There will be illistrations, artifacts, toys that relate to the topic (i.e. dress-up clothes, puppets), and also books.

We have a limited amount of space, money, and man-power.

You can visit our website @

Thanks again,


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