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Registered User
(3/3/01 2:35:58 pm)
Germany, Folktales,Computer Mediated Communication
I'm taking a computer mediated communication (CMC) class and we are study with a partner class in Germany. I'm interested in writing my paper on German folktales. I've found many Web sites, but all German sites are in "German." Does anyone know of a German originated Web site about German folktales in English? How about you German members?


Heidi Anne Heiner
(3/3/01 3:55:20 pm)
Re: Germany, Folktales,Computer Mediated Communication
The best site is by D. L. Ashliman who was a German professor before he retired last year. One of the links to it is at:

Explore this site carefully, it has lots of hidden stuff that may help you. But the texts are the largest part of the site.

Good luck!


Registered User
(3/5/01 8:51:23 pm)
Re: Germany, Folktales,Computer Mediated Communication
Hi Heidi,

Thank you for your response. Yes, my best site is Professor Ashliman's site, but I did not know he was German. It really is wonderful.

What I am actually doing is comparing the organization of German folktales vs American folktales on the Internet.
What I've discovered so far is German folktales are mostly organized by author, title, main character or topic; and American folktales are organized by traditional literature form and ethnic origin.


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