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Unregistered User
(3/5/01 8:25:54 pm)
Fairy tales and specific motifs
HI, i was wondering if anyone could help me in writing my own fairy isn't as simple as i thought it would be. I am taking a class that analyzes fairy tales and we have been reading a whole bunch of them, and now we must come up with our own tales, but the thing is we have three motifs which we must incorporate into our home-made stories. My three motifs are: Maiden without hands, The Wonder-child, and The beautiful and the ugly twin. i haven't come in counter with any of these motifs in the fairy tales that i have read so i was wondering if someone could help me and give me some direction in this! thank you!

Registered User
(3/6/01 3:52:17 pm)
writing your own tale
Well, first things first. Try searching through the old postings on this board -- I believe there's a search feature built in someplace. Each of those themes has been discussed in the past, I think. Also, Terri Windling and Ellen Datlow edit a terrific series of modern fairy tale compilations -- looking through one of those might give you some ideas too. Hope that gets you started!


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