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Author Comment
Registered User
(6/18/01 11:10:55 am)
Tolkien in Cinema--Threat or Menace?
I was informed this past week by an editor in the sf field that, in conjunction with the release of the first "Lord of the Rings" film, there will be a movie-tie-in novelization. Which is to say, NOT the Tolkien book, but one written by someone else to hit the bookstores.
He was laughing as he spoke, declaring, "I thought it was a joke when I heard it, but it wasn't."
While I can't confirm this, I could only shake my head at the seemingly inexhaustible amounts of stupidity that live in the publishing industry.


Richard Parks
Registered User
(6/18/01 1:22:41 pm)
Novelization of Tolkien
After the latest (Coppola?) DRACULA there was an instance of just this sort of chimera, a "novelization" of the movie which was of the movie alone and not, naturally, Stoker's DRACULA. There may be a previous instance but I'm not aware of it; one precedent is enough.

I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.

Heidi Anne Heiner
(6/18/01 8:30:26 pm)
Re: Novelization of Tolkien
Although I am not surprised, my first thought is:


Just like all of the kids at the library who think Disney's Cinderella is the one and only, now many will think the movie and tie-in books are Tolkien's original work.

Gratefully, I did have someone ask me to identify and locate Andersen's "Little Mermaid" today at the library. "The one where the mermaid becomes sea foam. It's not like the movie. Do you know what I am talking about?" Yes, I did!


Registered User
(6/20/01 9:17:07 am)
Re: Novelization of Tolkien
Anyone who thinks the novelization is the original deserves whatever they get. If they can't look at the cover and see that the author isn't Tolkein, I would think that it isn't going to matter.

Bruce (:-)}

Unregistered User
(6/20/01 2:39:04 pm)
The problem is...
that much of the mass audience is not intimately familiar with The Lord of the Rings or Tolkien, so they will not know what to look for or to think that there is a difference. They cannot ask for something they know nothing about.


Registered User
(6/21/01 11:14:14 pm)
Re: The problem is...
A novel based on a movie based on a novel?

I agree with Richard about being torn between laughter and tears. On the one hand, it's horrible, insulting, sad...yet it's also pretty funny!

Registered User
(6/29/01 7:53:32 am)
Novels and tie-ins...
I just pulled my Fall catalogue from the shelf and this is what HMCo has listed (you can probably call or email customer service re: a catalogue):

Movie tie-in editions with new cover art
LotR The Fellowship of the Ring Visual Companion
LotR Official Movie Guide
Teacher's Guides
Reading Group Guides
Complete trilogy with movie cover art

Some of this is mentioned on the website, the rest is listed on a foldout section in the new Fall catalogue. The Hobbit is also being rereleased with new cover art (looks like a patchwork of different mazes) in August.

Let me know if I can find anything else related for you!

(good to be back!)

Soft whispers and dandelion wishes,


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