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Registered User
(2/28/01 6:18:12 pm)
Jumping off the glass mountain...
::takes a deep breath::

Ok, I've recently learned that as long as you earn less than $500 as a freelancer, you don't need to report it on taxes...

I am announcing that TWISTING THE GLASS by Kerrie Colantonio is now avaialble for ordering. Each copy is $5 plus shipping. FedEx is the easiest available to me, and I can either a) figure out shipping on an individual basis and add it to the cost, or b) fill the form out as "bill recipient". Checks can be made out to me with "Penny-A-Page Publishing: Twisting the Glass" in the memo area. You can email me at to discuss individual orders. Let me know if any further info is needed. Thank you all for your input and interest and support! I never could have gotten the courage up without all of you!

Sugarplum dreams,


NOTE: My sweetie said I could probably ship within the USA for under a dollar, unless multiple orders.

Edited by: Kerrie at: 3/4/01 8:43:53 am

Registered User
(3/12/01 7:03:02 pm)
Small delay, sad news...
I know a few of you have recently emailed me about ordering books. I'll try to get an email out soon, I just haven't had a chance since my Nana was diagnosed with cancer, and just this weekend died. It was her husband I actually wrote one of my poems in the collection about, who died a few years ago. I've been trying to compose a poem about her as well. I will try to get an email out to you as soon as possible with my mailing address. Thank you for your patience.

Sugarplum dreams,


Unregistered User
(3/13/01 7:41:27 am)
Kerrie, I'm so deeply sorry for your loss. A friend and editorial colleague of mine died this weekend too. It's a sad, sad time.

Registered User
(3/21/01 9:22:46 am)
Thank you... (and "ugh")
Thank you for your condolences. I am sorry to hear of your loss as well. It is indeed a sad time for many of us, as I've found.

As for the "ugh":

I returned home from visiting my family to find I have no email- no incoming, no outgoing. Anyone who has written to me in the past week or so, I'll post to let you know when it's back up, or you can let me know here on the board how many, and I can at least get them printed as I wait and look for a new email service.

As for those who have already ordered, there are two solutions: I can email you as soon as the server is back up, or I can post my mailing info here (seriously considering getting a PO Box to keep things safe from any undesirables). Let me know, and I will attempt to do the right thing. "UGH!" (OK, I really want to be able to do this full time instead of for 2 hours spread out over the evening or on my lunch hour.)

A glorious spring to you all (unless it's fall where you are) and I hope you are all doing well!

Sugarplum dreams,


Edited by: Kerrie at: 3/21/01 9:31:06 am

Laura McCaffrey
Registered User
(3/22/01 4:18:48 pm)
Re: Thank you... (and "ugh")
Kerrie- As far as the Ugh - Hang in there! When I read your post I was thinking the exact same thing about my own writing and feeling all surly and resentful. (March in Vermont doesn't help. We have yet to see any sort of spring. Four feet of snow on the ground and another foot in the forecast today.) Anyway, I was thinking - why can't I have nights free? Forget creating art, I want that sattelite dish and some TV reception. <Irony intended here!>

Keep working! Maybe in the future the writing will be your day job. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Laura Mc.

Registered User
(4/9/01 2:10:14 pm)
Back to the drawing board...
Ok, I'm back in business- email is back up and running! I have a new email address for any who think a back-up plan is good . I can now be emailed at: (new one) (old one)

I have two orders so far and I will reply with my mailing address this evening. I'll probably ship first to get an idea then trust that the payment will follow. (If I can't trust the wonderfull folks on this board, I don't know who I can trust!) Revises are going to press and will be printed and shipped ASAP! (In my first edition, the ends of a few poems were cut short! Luckily it was a very small run!) As I said, I'm self-publishing it, so with minimal cost for printing, it's $5 plus shipping.

Hope to hear from more of you soon!

Sugarplum dreams and darling fairy wings,

Kerrie / Perrina

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