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(6/25/00 12:34:18 pm)
Food and fable
I'm working on a project and am looking for fables and fairy tales that have food in the story, such as the gingerbread house in Hansel and Gretel and the apple in Snow White. Any suggestions?

Stephen R
(6/25/00 5:26:44 pm)
Re: Food and fable
How about th mth of Persephone, who ate a pomegranate seed in he Underworld and thus could not COMPLETELY return to the world o the living.

This seem to be a common idea -- it pops up in a lot of mythology. If you eat of the food of the land of the dead the either either cannot leave, or must return regularly.

(6/26/00 11:00:47 am)
I could think of a few:

The Gingerbread Man
The Fox and the Grapes (Aesop)
The Little Red Hen

The following are probably only loosely related to food, but...:

Rapunzel (didn't the mother in the beginning hanker after that lettuce type food in the beginning?)
Goldilocks and the 3 Bears (mmm...porridge)
Aladdin (didn't he oiriginally use it to provide a feast for his family?)

The following ones I don't remember the names to, but I remember the stories:

a) the one about the magic salt mill thing. Didn't it provide food or something as well? Maybe that's "Why the sea is salt".

b) The magic pot. That's all I remember about it, except I think it was pretty similar to the one above--provided food, or something like that.

c) The three wishes. All I remember about this is that the old woman in the story accidentally turns her nose into a sausage...

Anyway, that's all I can think of right now. Here's a link to a bunch of the Grimm's tales online, which might be useful, cuz it seems like their stories have a lot to do with food:

Hope that helps!

(6/26/00 12:13:50 pm)
Re: Food and fable
Thanks for the input. I have a list of a few but just wanted to see what else would pop up. I think my favorite American tales involving food are Johnny Appleseed and Paul Bunyon and the Blue Ox. I need fables that I can rework for children and can be used to get their interest in related recipes. So it would be hard to use Snow White for say cooking baked apples -- I wouldn't want the poor dears to think they'd poison anyone with their efforts -- but Johnny Appleseed would work. Maybe this extra info will help. I need 10 or 12 stories and I want them to be culturally diverse.

Thanks all.


(6/26/00 2:16:20 pm)
Fairy Food
Hmmm, some I can think of are:

Stone Soup
The Nutcracker
The Ant and the Grasshopper
The Crow and the Pitcher
(the last two are Aesops fables )
There is a feast mentioned at the end of either Prince Caspian or Voyage of the Dawn Treader (I could have sworn the copy I have is Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Book 2, but I can't find it anywhere)

A peek into the story of Rapunzel (focused around the rampion )

Witch: In the past, when you were no more than a babe, your father brought
his young wife and you to this cottage. They were a handsome couple, but
not handsome neighbors. You see, your mother was with child and she had
developed an unusual appetite. She took one look at my beautiful garden,
and told your father that what she wanted, more than anything in the
world, was
Greens, greens, and nothing but greens:
Parsley, peppers, cabbages and celery,
Asparagus and watercress and
Fiddleferns and lettuce--!
He said 'all right,'
But it wasn't, quite,
'Cause I caught him in the autumn
In my garden one night!
He was robbing me,
Raping me,
Rooting through my rutabaga,
Raiding my arugula and
Ripping up the rampion
(My champion! My favorite!)--

PS- you may want to take a look at this- looks interesting!

The Narnia Cookbook : Foods from C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia

Good luck!

(6/26/00 3:19:16 pm)
Re: Fairy Food
Thanks Kerri. I'll take a peek at the Chronicles. I still have mine from when I was a teenager.

(6/27/00 12:48:36 am)
White as ricotta, red as wine
Carrie, check out Italo Calvino's book of Italian Folktales. The Italians are so into food that food permeates these tales, including wonderfully delicious Italian renditions of familiar stories.

Also, for a great adult fairy tale involving food, check out Elizabeth Lynn's Italian Rapunzel story "The Princess in the Tower" in Snow White, Blood Red.

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