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Registered User
(8/26/00 5:34:46 am)
Interstitial Arts questions
Good morning all!

I just have a few little questions about the interstitial arts site.

1) Terri, do you receive the email ( )for that, or does it go to Ellen or Delia (or someone else)?

2) Has a forum been set up for it yet?

3) Is there anything I can do to help with the movement here in Boston? Please let me know, I'd love to help (research anyone? )



Edited by Kerrie at: 8/26/00 7:08:28 am

Unregistered User
(8/26/00 11:52:16 pm)
Interstitial arts
Kerrie, I'm involved in Interstitial Arts, but it's really Ellen and Delia's thing, and they're the ones who are supposed to be answering the mail. They had talked about doing a web site and/or a discussion board for it, but I think they got swamped with other obligations. If you want to volunteer to help, try sending a letter to Delia Sherman via the Endicott site address ( and we'll forward it on.

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