Allie Unregistered User (8/8/00 6:57:59 pm)
ElfQuest I'm an old-time EQ fan; I read what are now the first four books when they were first published. Wendy Pini is an incredible creator and I go back to the first four books again and again. In my opinion her later works are weaker, and the works of others using her characters are just terrible. I wish I still had the original, painted versions of the first four books; they aren't available any more!
I think probably EQ resembles epics and romances more than fairy tales. Not much in EQ's basic premise...young man sets out on quest to find knowledge that will benefit his tribe...would surprise Joseph Campbell. The story resembles Campbell's hero's journey much more than it resembles the "typical" fairy tale: young person receives aid from supernatural helper. The elves in EQ don't much resemble fairy tale fairies (magical beings who interfere in human affairs), and only slightly resemble the elves and fairies of folklore encounters.
EQ has a webpage online at .