[In this tale the notes of the Cock and Hen must be imitated.]
Hen"You promise me shoes year after year, year after year, and yet I get no shoes!"
Cock"You shall have them, never fear! Henny penny!"
Hen"I lay egg after egg, egg after egg, and yet I go about barefoot!"
CockWell, take your eggs, and be off to the tryst, and buy yourself shoes, and dont go any longer barefoot!"
Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen and Moe, Jorgen. East o' the Sun and West o' the Moon. George Webbe Dasent, translator. Popular Tales from the Norse. Edinburgh: David Douglass, 1888.
Also available in reprint under:
Dasent, George Webbe. East o' the Sun and West o' the Moon. New York: Dover, 1970. Amazon.com: Buy the book in paperback.