Africa | Honey: Another Version of the Same Fable [The White Man and Snake]

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Another Version of the Same Fable [The White Man and Snake]

A DUTCHMAN was walking by himself and saw Snake lying under a large :stone. Snake implored his help; but when she had become free she said, "Now I shall eat you."

The Man answered, "That is not right. Let us first go to Hare."

When Hare had heard the affair, he said, "It is right."

"No," said the Man, "let us ask Hyena."

Hyena declared the same, saying, "It is right."

"Now let us ask Jackal," said the Man in his despair.

Jackal answered very slowly and consider ately, doubting the whole affair, and demanding to see first the place, and whether the Man was able to lift the stone. Snake lay down, and the Man, to prove the truth of his account, put the stone again over her.

When she was fast, Jackal said, "Now let her lie there."

The text came from:

Honey, James ASouth African Folk-talesNew York: Baker & Taylor Company, 1910.

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